Join the #FettforHouse Campaign for a meet and greet with special guest Steve Deace! 

Tuesday, May 21st--Doors open at 5:45pm, program starts at 6:30pm

Must register to attend! (See form below)

Event located off 65/69 highway in Indianola at Burkhead Electric. 2714 N. Jefferson Way, Indianola

Register below and submit --then choose to pay online by using the "Pay online" button.


Past events: 

Feb. 27th- Conservative voices in the media have a unique challenge. Learn from Jacob Hall, Editor and Publisher of the Iowa Standard. 

March 26th- The Youth Identity Crisis.  What is going on with gender identity with our youth?  Join us for a conversation in gender politics and how it has effects on our next generation!

April 23rd-Medical Freedom Attainable? A discussion with Informed Choice Iowa about our path to medical freedom in Iowa as we explore our rights for personal choices.